Each summer RLYC hires a number of individuals who are interested in enriching their summer by engaging with the many children who come to summer camp. Working at RLYC means enjoying nature and the out-of-doors, as well as, teaching and mentoring young children during their summer camp experience. Applications are accepted at any time for camp positions, but decisions on hiring and interviews will not take place until late spring or early summer. Positions are available for both paid staff, who commit to work for the entire summer camp season, and for volunteers, who commit to work for typically a week during the summer camp season. Depending on the enrollment of each session, the number of weeks of camp may vary if enrollment does not satisfy minimum camp requirements.
Below are the staff positions available:
Camp Director (job description)
Health Officer (job description)
Aquatics Positions (job description)
Camp Counselors (job description)
Print off our Employment Application