Rose Lake Youth Camp is run by a volunteer Board of Directors who are dedicated to making summer camp a possibility for children each summer in Northern Michigan. Because RLYC is funded by individuals and businesses committed to summer camping, the volunteer Board handles a variety of responsibilities. Everything from camp maintenance, to fundraising, to hiring staff is completed by this group of volunteers. Many thanks to this group of dedicated individuals who work very hard to maintain the gem of Rose Lake Youth Camp each year.
Current Board of Directors include:
- President – Kim Young
- Vice President – Melissa Thompson
- Secretary – Stephanie Fischer
- Finance – Ted Hoffman and Jose Santiago
- Members at Large
Susie Miller
Stephen Saylor
Keith BartramJohn Jaques
Jen SaylorAmanda Bartram
For those that know about Rose Lake Youth Camp, the name is synonymous with another name – Patt Cooper. Patt made a trip out to visit the little camp on Rose Lake in 1978 and she was hooked. Every summer since 1978, Patt was a guiding force for RLYC. She served for years as the Camp Director and was an invaluable member of the Board of Directors. Patt guided thousands of children over the years to learn to love the outdoors, cherish our natural resources and give back to our community. We thank her for being such a big part of making RLYC a great place. Thank you, Patt. You will be missed by so many.